Protein (protein) – is one of the main elements of human nutrition. Protein is needed for growth, recovery, and development of all cells of the body, as well as for the synthesis of all enzymes and hormones. The greatest amount of protein is found in meat, seafood, as well as in cereals and dairy products.

During digestion, the protein is broken down into separate amino acids, which are distributed throughout the body by absorption through the blood and then the necessary proteins, enzymes or hormones are synthesized. The increased need for athletes for protein is due to the fact that protein is necessary for the recovery of individual muscle structures during the recovery period after training. Also, protein is needed when building stronger muscle mass.
The main product for gaining muscle mass is a gainer. Nowadays, professional athletes take exactly the same gainers as those who stand on the shelves of sports nutrition stores and every lover can add a good quality gainer in their diet. A quality gainer must meet the following criteria: a large number of calories per one portion, have high-quality (slow) carbohydrates, must be saturated with vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, and other useful components.
Branched-chain amino acids – BCAAs are used among athletes and not just for one simple reason because they really work. Their popularity is steadily and constantly growing and it should be noted that it is well deserved, unlike most other additives.
What is creatine, and what is it for? To begin with, creatine is an absolutely safe product. Creatine is a natural substance found in our body. Approximately 95% of creatine is found in muscles. The more creatine in your muscles, the longer and more intense the workout you can do. It is better to use creatine after training with fast carbohydrates. Also, creatine can be added to a gainer or sweet juice.
Glutamine is one of the essential amino acids, is responsible for blood sugar levels, helps fight fatigue and increases the efficiency of the brain. One of the important features of glutamine is the secretion of growth hormone. Glutamine is used for protein synthesis and about 60% of the free amino acids found in muscle cells are synthesized from glutamine. Usually, we get enough glutamine from food, but with intense workouts, the need for glutamine increases dramatically. In connection with the stimulation of glutamine growth hormone, it is better to take the drug at bedtime.
Carnitine is an amino acid, it enters the body with food, and is also synthesized in the cells of the liver and kidneys. It is found in meat, milk, fish. Once in the body, carnitine is deposited in the muscles, where it performs its main function – it sends fats in the form of free fatty acids for processing them into energy.

Without carnitine, fat burning in the body is impossible. It also helps to preserve protein in the body, because in the presence of carnitine, with loads, fat is burned, not protein. The main source of energy for the heart to work is free fatty acids, and it is carnitine that turns them into energy.
Amino Acids
Amino acids are the constituents of which all the protein structures of an organism, including muscle fibers, consist. They are also used in the body for the production of various hormones and enzymes. Some amino acids are irreplaceable – this means that the body can not synthesize them independently in sufficient quantities. The remaining amino acids are replaceable, that is, the body can independently synthesize them from other sources. Essential amino acids: Valine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Phenylalanine. Replaceable amino acids: Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic Acid, Glycine, Glutamine, Glutamic Acid, Proline, Serine, Taurine.