How to remove belly fat in a week — professional advice

These tips from professional athletes and nutritionists will help you get rid of your belly forever.

They have always been distinguished by their harmony without much effort, but suddenly the belly began to grow? This is metabolism. Fully due to lifestyle changes – sedentary work, snacking on sandwiches, etc. You bought a car and stopped walking to the bus 500 meters? Result on the stomach! Did you replace mother’s chicken soup with shawarma from the nearest kiosk? Result on the stomach!

How to remove belly fat fast — Expert Advice

If you have been losing weight for a long time, are on a diet, do not miss a workout, but your stomach and sides still remain – have patience. Fat from problem areas, including from the stomach, is the last to go. Keep going. Concentrate on cardio loads and you will succeed.
Tips to help clean the belly.

  • First of all, it is worth refusing products containing trans fats: cakes, buns, cakes — and confectionery.
  •     Drink more water – at least 2 liters of pure water per day. It is water! Juices, compotes, tea, soda – these are all drinks containing kilocalories.
  •     Getting up in the mornings, first of all, drink a glass of water, as a result, the vital processes in the body are activated, which proceeded more slowly during a night’s sleep and the liquid reserves spent at night are replenished.
  •     You also need to add fiber to your diet – it cleanses the body, and most importantly the intestines. To clean the belly, eat foods rich in fiber – fruits, vegetables, cereals, and cereals.
  •     Frequently walk in the fresh air, and in general, try to walk on foot as soon as there is such an opportunity. Even a 15-minute walk every day will remove an extra centimeter on your waist in a week or two.
  •     To speed up the process accustom yourself to the sport. Over time, replace walks with runs and gradually increase your workout time. Swimming, running, CrossFit, aerobics – any cardio-load will help you get rid of the abdomen
  •     Strengthen your abdominal muscles with various exercises. This can be done at home with twists and other exercises.


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